To overcome is the theme of Farida Bedwei’s life. A software engineer with a degree in computer science from the university of Hertfordshire. She proceeded to become a certified project manager and used the experience gained over the years to become a cofounder of logicel in 2011. All this while surviving with cerebral palsy.

Contributions of Farida Bedwei
Logicel Ltd. under the leadership of Farida Bedwei gKudi, a web based banking suite for micro-finance institutes.
In 2015, she authored her first book, a mini-autobiography titled: Definition of a miracle.She has since received several awards and appointments including her appointment to the Board of Ghana’s National Communication Authority.[10]
Farida also created a cerebral palsy superhero. Her comic character called Karmzah gets her power from her crutches that she has to use for her cerebral palsy.