The Department of Chemistry in the University of Ghana is organizing a short course on Quality Control and Assurance in Pharmaceutical and Herbal Products.
The course aims to equip stakeholders with knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical and herbal product manufacturing processes, including sampling, processing, distribution and quality assurance. The course will also include innovation, research, standardization and regulations on these products.
The general goal of this course is to provide fundamental knowledge in good manufacturing practices among pharmaceutical and herbal industry practitioners and consumers who want to arm themselves with knowledge in these industries. At the end of the course, participants would be able to:
- Identify substandard products using visuals and other organoleptic processes.
- Explain the principles of GMP in the drugs and food industry.
- Identify factors that lead facilitate food and drug spoilage.
- Acquire skills in basic Quality Control (Q.C.) and Quality Assurance (Q.A.).
- Analyze and interpret data from advanced instrumental methods in Q.C. and Q.A.
- Develop standard operating procedures for their operations.
Target Groups:
Pharmacists, pharmacy assistants, technicians and technologists, pharmaceutical manufacturers, herbal medicine practitioners, pharmaceutical and herbal medicine regulators, and quality control personnel in the manufacturing industry.
Course Description
The course is designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge of all relevant Q.A. and Q.C. procedures needed for the manufacture of quality medicinal products. It would involve the study of the World Health Organisation (WHO) total quality management in pharmaceutical and herbal manufacture, practical applications of modern technologies used in quality control and assurance, hazard and risk analysis of pharmaceutical and herbal products, packaging, good distribution practices and the regulation.
Duration/Mode of Instruction
The course will be delivered over a period of four (4) weekends through engaging face-to-face lectures and practical sessions.
Course Fee: GHS 1,600 per participant
The full course fee should be paid a week before the start of the course.
Bank details:
Account Name: College of Basic and Applied Sciences
Bank Account Number: 0160094485315601
Branch: University of Ghana, Legon
For further information on the courses, invoices and any other enquiries, kindly contact,
The Department of Chemistry
P.O. Box L.G. 56
University of Ghana, Legon.
Telephone: 0559553796
Email: chemdept@ug.edu.gh
Course start date: 5th November, 2022.
Deadline for Application: 14th October 2022.
The Department of Earth Science in the University of Ghana is organizing a short course in: Applied Numerical Groundwater Modeling: Fundamental Aspects
The goal of this course is to provide detailed, step-by-step training on applied groundwater modeling to meet the needs of groundwater managers, practicing hydrogeologists, environmental scientists/ managers, and policy makers, amongst others. The specific objectives of the course are to provide practical training on the:
- fundamental principles and governing laws on groundwater modeling;
- data requirements for a reasonably good numerical model;
- conceptualization of a domain and its relevance towards developing a good model;
- model development process – finite difference and finite element approaches;
- model calibration and validation processes and sensitivity analysis;
- scenario development and analysis.
Target Groups
The course is designed to meet the needs of professionals in the following broad areas:
- Environmental Science/management;
- Mining and mineral exploration;
- Hydrogeology and (ground) water resources management;
- Policy-makers in government ministries, Non-Governmental Organizations;
- Environmental/Civil Engineering;
- Related disciplines.
Course Description and Content
Module 1 – Fundamental Principles
This module will treat the fundamental principles and the relevance of numerical models. It will focus on the governing physical equations, the assumptions, and the myths about groundwater modeling. The specific topics to be treated include:
- Overview of basic concepts and principles of groundwater flow;
- The purpose of modeling;
- Categories of models and their applications;
- Governing Equations for applied groundwater modeling, and assumptions;
- Limitations of numerical models;
- Ethics of modeling;
- Modeling Workflow.
Module 2 – Conceptual Model Development
It is a known fact in modeling that a numerical model is as good as the conceptual model from which it has been developed. A good numerical model must have been properly conceptualized based on sound field data. This module will treat the rudiments of conceptual model development, the data requirements, and the limitations. The following topics will be treated:
- Data requirements for developing a representative conceptual model;
- Components of a numerical model;
- Conceptualizing model domain boundaries;
- Developing the hydrostratigraphy from various geological and geological datasets;
- Conceptualizing recharge and other sources;
- Characterization of relationship between surface and subsurface flow components;
- Characterization of various sink types;
- Conceptualizing unique geological structures.
Module 3: Mathematical Foundation and the Numerical Code
All numerical models are based on a set of equations formulated on the basis of physical principles. In the case of numerical groundwater models, the central principle is the Darcy law. Understanding the basic mathematical foundation of a numerical model and the related assumptions is critical to proper selection of an appropriate numerical code for a particular application. Knowing the mathematical basis of the numerical codes is an important component of an applied groundwater modelling course. This module will therefore treat:
- Derivation of governing equations; assumptions;
- Boundary conditions – mathematical formulation and assumptions underlying the main boundary condition types;
- Finite difference codes;
- Finite element codes;
- Code selection;
- Code Execution;
- Common Mistakes/Errors.
Module 4: Numerical Model Development
Having developed a good conceptual model based on the best available data, the next stage is to convert the conceptual model into a numerical model. Understanding the various available codes and their underlying assumptions, and clearly understanding the objectives of the modelling endeavor are critical towards developing a good numerical model from a good conceptual model. The Modules 1, 2, and 3 are essential pre-requisites to this module. This module will entail the following components:
- Spatial discretization
- Two dimensional models
- Three dimensional models
- Setting model layers
- Selecting and implementing appropriate boundary conditions
- Two main types of boundaries: physical and hydraulic boundaries
- Head – dependent boundary conditions
- Specified head boundary conditions
- Specified flux boundary conditions
- Determining local area boundary conditions based on a regional model
Module 5: Model Calibration and Validation
It is only calibrated and validated models that can be used for scenario analysis to facilitate decision making processes. A model that has been set up (under steady state or transient state conditions) must be calibrated by adjusting the data of the input parameters until the model computer data satisfactorily matches the field monitored data of the hydraulic head, flow etc. This module will treat:
- Material property parameters
- Hydrologic parameters
- Assigning parameters to model layers
- Calibration targets
- Manual calibration
- Parameter Estimation
- Stabilizing parameter estimation
- Steady state calibration
- Transient state calibration
- Model validation
Module 6. Forecasting and Uncertainty Analysis
The objective of most modelling assignments is for forecasting the impacts of various management scenarios together with natural fluctuations in climatic conditions. In the process of undertaking model forecasts, it is important to assess the level of uncertainty so that the results are placed in the appropriate context. The components of this module are:
- Setting up model forecasting scenarios
- Basic Uncertainty analysis
- Uncertainty analysis using multiple conceptual models
- Reporting model uncertainty as part of the forecasting
- Evaluating model forecasts
Mode of Instruction
The course will be taught in 6 inter-related modules. Patrons may choose modules that meet their specific needs. However, it is strongly recommended that patrons subscribe to all 6 modules in order to achieve optimum benefits from the training. The Department of Earth Science has, through several external funded projects, has procured the requisite software for practical training on all aspects of numerical groundwater modeling. A blended approach of virtual and physical meetings will used to achieve the objectives of each of the models.
Entry Requirements
A background in Geology, Earth Science, Civil Engineering, or related fields.
Six full weekends
Course Fee: GHS 3,000.00
The full course fee should be paid a week before the start of the course.
Bank details:
Account Name: College of Basic and Applied Sciences
Bank Account Number: 0160094485315601
Branch: University of Ghana, Legon
For further information on the courses, invoices and any other enquiries, kindly contact,
The Department of Earth Science
University of Ghana
P.O. Box LG 58
Tel: 0244901486 / 0302514041
Email: earthscience@ug.edu.gh
Deadline for Application: 14th October, 2022
Course Start Date: 5th November, 2022
The Department of Earth Science of the University of Ghana is organizing a short course in Applied Geophysics.
The goal of this course is to provide detailed, step-by-step training in applied geophysics to meet the needs of geophysicists in general, and particularly non-geophysicists who utilises the principles of geophysics in their day-to-day activities. These include exploration and engineering geologists, hydrogeologists, environmentalists, and policy-makers, amongst others. The specific objectives of the course are to provide practical training on the:
- fundamental principles of various methods in applied geophysics.
- requirements for geophysical data acquisition.
- routine stages in geophysical data processing and analysis.
- geophysical data modelling.
- geophysical data interpretation.
- remote sensing and geographic information system skills.
Target Groups
The course is designed to meet the needs of the following professionals:
- Mining and Mineral Exploration Geologists
- Engineering Geologists and Hydrogeologists
- Environmentalists, Archaeologists and Forensic Scientists, and
- Professionals in related disciplines, including graduates wishing to improve on their practical knowledge in Applied Geophysics.
Course Description and Content
Module 1 – Frameworks of Typical Geophysical Surveys
Course Description
Geophysics plays a very important role in helping solve resource exploration, environmental, or geotechnical problems. This course outlines a seven-step framework required for the effective application of geophysics and, the corresponding due diligence considered necessary for successful execution of typical geophysical surveys.
Course Outline
This module relating to the frameworks of typical geophysical surveys will cover General Geophysical Projects Setups, Roles of Physical Property Contrast, Types of Surveys, Routines of Data Processing, Fundamentals of Data Interpretation and Synthesis.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, it is anticipated that participants will be able to:
- Appreciate project objectives,
- Understand how physical property contrasts control geophysical applications.
- Know survey types
- Understand the process of generating good quality field data
- Acquire the skills of data filtering ad modelling
- Translate acquired geophysical datasets into meaningful information for client’s assimilation.
Module 2 – Electrical Resistivity, Induced Polarization and Electromagnetic Methods
Course Description
The course gives a comprehensive overview of Electrical Resistivity, Induced Polarization, and Electromagnetic Methods with emphasis on understanding the guiding principles, proper data acquisition and processing, and finally, interpretation based on geologic concepts.
Course Outline
- The emphasis of the course will be based on best field practice for data acquisition; Data Processing and Analysis; Interpretation for each of the methods in this model
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, it is anticipated that participants will be able to:
- Understand the fundamental principles governing the Electrical Resistivity, Induced Polarization and Electromagnetic methods; and identify the advantages, limitations and challenges associated with each of these methods.
- Generate appropriate models for data analysis necessary for addressing relevant problems associated with groundwater exploration for the purpose of borehole siting and water table mapping; mineral exploration, foundation investigation, landfill sites assessment as well as ground conductivity mapping
- Integrate results from the different methods for effective characterization of the subsurface.
Module 3 – Gravity, Magnetics and Magnetotellurics
Course Description
This module introduces participants to how the natural fields of the earth can be used particularly in mineral exploration. Gravity and Magnetics data analysis are essential and cost-effective components of an integrated geoscience interpretation project, providing crucial insight into participants areas of interest in order to help minimise exploration risk. Magnetotellurics (MT) also uses natural time variations of the earth’s magnetic and electric fields to measure the electrical resistivity of the subsurface. Measuring the electrical resistivity of rocks and minerals provides the means to understand geological structures and processes which can be explored in the areas of resistivity assessment of Earth materials and associated factors such as rock composition, porosity and permeability as well as rock fluid composition.
Course Outline
- Spanning over a five-weekend duration, the course will comprise a series of lectures on data acquisition, data processing and interpretation as well as outdoor-field sessions.
Course Objectives
This module provides the participants with the skills to:
- Choose the correct data or acquisition programme to suit their requirements
- Understand the fundamental links between geology and gravity, magnetic and MT responses.
- Use gravity and magnetic data to create advanced derivatives to address specific problems. principles governing the various geophysical methods as well as the best practice guidelines for various geophysical investigations.
- Apply the techniques learnt in a balanced and integrated exploration workflow.
Module 4 – Seismic Refraction and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves
Course Description
The Seismic Refraction (SR) and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) methods play significant roles in assessing the suitability of the subsurface earmarked for engineered structures such as roads, dams, bridges, multi-storey buildings, as well as the delineation of groundwater table and the mapping of weathered-fresh rock layer interface, etc., by providing information on soil/rock competencies, faults/fractures and depths. The module introduces the most important theoretical and practical aspects of both methods for investigating the surface particularly for the purpose of foundation investigations with emphasis on understanding the guiding principles, proper data acquisition and processing, and finally interpretation based on geologic concepts.
Course Outline
- This module is designed to take participants through the rudiments of good quality data acquisition, hands-on training in seismic software data processing and modelling.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, it is anticipated that participants will be able to:
- Recognize and distinguish between body and surface wave components on raw seismic data
- Perform basic raw data analysis and processing to delineate subsurface seismic properties such as velocities and depths
- Generate dispersion curves from surface waves record,
- Evaluate the applicability of the two methods for shear waves velocities and elastic moduli estimation.
- Produce 2D seismic tomography models for subsurface geological interpretation.
Module 5 -Borehole Geophysics
Course Description
The course gives a comprehensive overview of borehole geophysics with applications for the groundwater, mineral exploration, and petroleum industries. The course will look at the measurement of various parameters downhole and guide participants through geologic based interpretations of the data.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants shall be able to:
- Design and carry out appropriate borehole geophysical campaigns especially for the groundwater and mineral exploration sectors.
- Understand the geological application of various logs, i.e., SP, resistivity, and gamma
- Identify lithologies using an integrated interpretation approach
- Correlate adjacent wells and interpret the depositional environments
- Create a fence diagram or a 2D diagram of the subsurface based on borehole log interpretations
Course Outline
- Introduction and designing a well logging data collection campaign
- Acquisition, processing, and analyses of data from lithology logs (SP, Gamma, etc.) and Resistivity logs (Induction logs, etc.)
- Interpretation of logs (lithologic and stratigraphic interpretations, well log correlations, etc.).
- Application of well log data and Case Histories
Module 6 – Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Earth Science
Course Description
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System technology have in recent times become an integral part of earth science exploration activities. This module integrates the use of digital technology with an earth science perspective and aims at introducing participants with earth sciences backgrounds to remote sensing and GIS applications using an open-source GIS programme, Q-GIS. Participants will study the geological environments and mineral resources using satellite image analysis and its geological applications including:
- GIS as a decision-making tool e.g., for vulnerability assessment.
- Satellite, e.g., Landsat data analysis.
- Image enhancement and classification.
- Information extraction.
Course Outline
- Introduction to the components of GIS.
- GIS data capture, management, analysis, and transformation.
- Map creation and, data display and analyses (vector, raster, geological, geochemical, hydrogeological, geophysical, etc.)
- Satellite remote sensing fundamentals, Imagery types and analysis.
- Introduction to Q-GIS.
- Landsat image processing, classification, and information extraction in Q-GIS.
- Integration of remote sensing data and GIS for groundwater vulnerability studies and mineral prospectivity mapping.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, it is anticipated that participants will be able to:
- Generate spatial and attribute data.
- Perform basic analysis on and transform of any geospatial based dataset.
- Understand the structure of earth science database system.
- Understand the concept of GIS as a decision management system
- Perform fundamental analysis and make basic interpretation of Landsat satellite image.
- Conduct decision making analysis from remote sensing and GIS datasets.
Mode of Instruction
The course will be taught in six different modules, grouped as Frameworks of Typical Geophysical Surveys, Electrical Resistivity, Induced Polarization and Electromagnetic Methods, Gravity, Magnetics and Magnetotellurics, Seismic Refraction and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves, Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Earth Science and Borehole Geophysics. The course will mostly be practical oriented, with participants spending most of the time in the field and discussing various case studies and how each method can/ cannot be applied.
Entry Requirements
A background in Geology, Earth Science, Civil Engineering, or related fields.
Eight full weekends
Course Fee: GHS 5,000.00
The full course fee should be paid a week before the start of the course.
Bank details:
Account Name: College of Basic and Applied Sciences
Bank Account Number: 0160094485315601
Branch: University of Ghana, Legon
For further information on the courses, invoices and any other enquiries, kindly contact;
The Department of Earth Science
University of Ghana
P.O. Box LG 58
Tel: 0244901486 / 0302514041
Email: earthscience@ug.edu.gh
Deadline for Application: 14th October, 2022
Course Start Date: 5th November, 2022
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Ghana is organizing a short course for teachers and returning students (catchup course).
Objectives: The main goal of this short course is to bridge the gap between what has been learned and what is required in our BSc programme in Mathematics. The idea is to give students the missing materials that can allow them to further their studies in Mathematics or related topics. Students who have been away from the University will also be given the opportunity the revise some courses and learn new ones.
Target Groups: SHS teachers, undergraduate students who have completed their programmes of study or not
Course Description
The course is made of three modules. Each module comprises four or five main topics built from real analysis, algebra, differential equations, complex analysis and several other advanced undergraduate topics in mathematics. A student can only take one module at a time.
Course Content
Module I
- Real Analysis I: -Limits-Continuity-Differentiability (including epsilon-delta definition, Rolle, MVT); Elementary Functions; Integrals and Applications (including MVT), sequences and series
- Vectors and Plane Geometry: Vectors and Coordinate Geometry in the Plane, Complex Numbers, Algebra of Matrices and Determinants, Linear Transformations and Transformations of the Complex Plane, Polar Curves, Coordinate Geometry in 3-Dimension, Vector Product and Triple Products.
- Differential Equations I: Analytical Techniques for Differential Equations, Differential Forms of 2 and 3 Variables, Exactness and Integrability Conditions, Existence, and Uniqueness of Solutions, Second Order Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients, Reduction of Order, Variation of Parameters and Series Solutions, Singular Points, Orthogonal Sets of Functions, Partial Differential Equations.
- Introductory Abstract Algebra : Relations On Sets, Partial Order, Groups, Rings, Fields, and Vector Spaces.
Module II
- Computational Mathematics: Programming using Python, Solving Mathematical Problems Numerically.
- Linear Algebra: Spanning Sets, Subspaces, Bases, Linear Maps and Matrices, Inverse Maps, Range Space, Rank and Kernel, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization of a Linear Operator, Change of Basis, Diagonalizing Matrices, Bases of Eigenvectors, Symmetric Maps, Quadratic Forms.
- Calculus of Several Variables: Differentiation and Integration of Functions of Several Variables, Partial Derivative and Directional Derivative, Gradient, Local Extrema, Constrained Extrema, Lagrange Multipliers, Gradient, Divergence and Curl Operators, Line, Surface and Volume Integrals, Green’s Theorem, Divergence Theorem, Stoke’s Theorem.
- Real Analysis II: Metric Spaces, Riemann Integrals, Sequences and Series of Functions, Taylor Series, Finite Expansion Of Functions
Module III
- Analysis in Normed Linear Spaces: Sequences and Series in Normed Linear Spaces, Fixed Point Theorems, Banach And Hilbert Spaces, Linear and Affine Maps Between Normed Linear Spaces, Sequences Spaces.
- Abstract Algebra: Groups, Cyclic Groups, Permutations, Finite Abelian Groups, Subgroups, Stabilizer-Orbit Theorem, Lagrange’s Theorem, Classifying Groups, Structural Properties of a Group, Cayley’s Theorem, Generating Sets, Direct Products, Cosets.
- Topology: Topological spaces, Open and Closed Sets, Basis for a Topology, Separation and Countability Properties, Limit Points, Connectedness, Subspace Topology, Homeomorphism, Continuity, Metrizability, Continuity Via Convergent Sequences, Compactness.
- Integration Theory and Measure: Algebra of Sets, Measurable Sets and Functions, Lebesgue Spaces, Elementary Inequalities and Mode of Convergence, Product Measures and Fubini’s Theorem, Riemann Integral, Lebesgue Integral and Lebesgue Spaces.
- Advanced Calculus: Inverse Map Theorem, Implicit Function Theorem, Linear And Affine Maps between Normed Vector Spaces, Limits, Continuity, Tangency of Maps, Derivative as a Linear Map, Component-Wise Differentiation, Partial Derivatives, The Jacobian as the Matrix of a Linear Map, Generalized Mean Value Theorem.
Mode of Instruction
Face to face
1st October, 2022 to 31st October, 2022 .
Course Fee: GHC 1500
The full course fee should be paid a week before the start of the course.
Bank details:
Account Name: College of Basic and Applied Sciences
Bank Account Number: 0160094485315601
Branch: University of Ghana, Legon
For further information on the courses, invoices and any other enquiries, kindly contact,
The Department of Mathematics
P.O. Box LG 62,
University of Ghana, Legon.
Tel: 0302963673
Email : mathematics@ug.edu.gh
Course start date: 1st October, 2022.
Deadline for Application: 25th September, 2022
The Department of Physics of the University of Ghana is organizing a short course in Microbial Bioenergetics and Biogas Production
This short course will allow stakeholders in the waste-management space to learn about methods used to design, construct, and operate anaerobic bioreactors as a waste-management strategy and for business creation.
Target Groups
Stakeholders in the waste management space.
Course Description
In this course, basic understanding of thermodynamics has been applied to microbial responses to environmental change and anaerobic digestion for biogas production. Knowledge gained by participants can be applied to the design, construction and operation of anaerobic bioreactors, as well as business creation in the renewable energy and waste management spaces.
Course Content
- Overview of the Department of Physics
- Renewable energy technologies: the case of biomass
- Introduction to bioenergetics
- Forms of energy and energy transformation in living systems
- Thermodynamics of biological systems
- Microbes and how they produce energy
- Anaerobic digestion and biogas systems
- Design of biogas digesters (small and medium sizes)
- Characteristics, properties and applications of biogas
- Value proposition of biogas: Sanitation, Energy, Carbon Credit And Waste Management
- Introduction to entrepreneurship: creation & management of small business
- Workplace communication skills
Mode of Instruction
In-person classroom interaction and laboratory sessions
Entry Requirements
Basic understanding of SHS General Science or Equivalent
4 days, 4hours/ day.
Monday – Thursday, 9.00 AM – 2.00 PM with a 1 hour break.
Course Fee: GHS 500 (Accommodation and Feeding Not Included)
The full course fee should be paid a week before the start of the course.
Bank details:
Account Name: College of Basic and Applied Sciences
Bank Account Number: 0160094485315601
Branch: University of Ghana, Legon
For further information on the courses, invoices and any other enquiries, kindly contact,
The Department of Physics
P.O. Box LG 68,
University of Ghana, Legon.
Tel: 027 718 7964
Email: physics@ug.edu.gh
Deadline for Application: September 16, 2022
The Course is scheduled for October 24, 2022 to October 27, 2022
The Department of Physics of the University of Ghana is organizing a short course in X-Ray Data Acquisition and Analysis.
This short course will allow students, researchers, and technicians to gain critical knowledge and skills in the theory and practical use of X-ray diffraction, with special emphasis on powder diffraction.
Target Groups
Students and researchers in academia and industry who use powder x-ray diffraction as a tool and need an understanding of theory and application.
Course Description
This course is geared towards providing a basic understanding of the theory and applications of X-ray powder diffraction. The course will also include hands-on sessions which will take participants through the entire process of sample preparation, data collection, data analysis, and basic Rietveld refinement using Profex with the BGMN core.
Course Content
Introduction to crystalline solids and crystal systems. Wave diffraction and the reciprocal lattice. Structure Factor. Interaction of x-rays with matter. X-ray production and detection. X-ray tube characteristics and operation. Data analysis: search and match, methods of characterization, and basic Rietveld analysis.
1. Sample preparation for X-ray analysis: powder and thin film
2. Typical reflection setting & sample scanning
Mode of Instruction
In-person classroom interaction and laboratory sessions
DURATION: 6 days, 3 h/day. 3 days/week
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must have some University-level background in Physics or Chemistry and Mathematics
Course Fee: GHS 600 (Accommodation and Feeding Not Included)
The full course fee should be paid a week before the start of the course.
Bank details:
Account Name: College of Basic and Applied Sciences
Bank Account Number: 0160094485315601
Branch: University of Ghana, Legon
For further information on the courses, invoices and any other enquiries, kindly contact,
The Department of Physics
P.O. Box LG 68,
University of Ghana, Legon.
Tel: 027 718 7964
Email : physics@ug.edu.gh
Deadline for Application September 16, 2022
The Course is scheduled for October 24, 2022 to October 27, 2022